Looking for a trustworthy & confidential UK based company to outsource your iXBRL tagging requirements to for your clients?

Do you…?

  • Used HMRC software to file accounts previously but now it tells me I cannot use this service anymore
  • Accountant is charging you a high premium to create an iXBRL document because of their own overheads?
  • Already have tax software but it cannot produce iXBRL accounts to a high standard or it does not produce iXBRL accounts for a specific type of entity?
  • Inputting final accounts information into tax software proving too time costly?

Case Studies

Lettings Company

Lettings Company Phil is the only Director of his company that lets out residential properties. He came to us because his tax software did not originally have any iXBRL capability and now that software does have the capability it would involve him typing in all the information himself which he does not have the time…

Small Manufacturing Company

Small Manufacturing Company Due to HMRC discontinuing their free CT filing service, the customer had purchased Tax software which was enabled to create iXBRL for the accounts, but they did not have the time to input the information manually. They decided it was more efficient to email the set of accounts after sign off and…

30 Years Experience

Unbiased Advice

HMRC Recognised

Fast Turnaround

Client Centric Approach

Independent Group
